a. Open terminal
b. sudo passwd root
c. Create password
2. Update system
a. Open terminal
b. sudo apt-get update
c. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
3. Add repositories
a. Open terminal
b. sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
c. Now you will be taken to the repository. Cut and paste these links into the beginning of the repository (note: #=comment out the following text).
deb http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz edgy main-edgy
deb http://media.blutkind.org/xgl/ edgy main-edgy
deb http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz edgy main-edgy
deb http://media.blutkind.org/xgl/ edgy main-edgy
"File Name to write"
4. Download public Keys for repositories
a. Open the terminal
b. sudo wget http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/quinn.key.asc -O - | sudo apt-key add -
c. sudo wget http://media.blutkind.org/xgl/quinn.key.asc -O - | sudo apt-key add -
5. Install
a. sudo apt-get update
b. sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl libgl1-mesa xserver-xorg libglitz-glx1 beryl emerald-themes
6. Add Xgl to login session. To do this, create a script
a. Open the terminal
b. sudo nano /usr/bin/startxgl.sh
c. Now a "terminal like" window will pop up. Cut and paste the following into this window:
Xgl -fullscreen :1 -ac -accel glx:pbuffer -accel xv:pbuffer & sleep 2 && DISPLAY=:1
# Gnome:
exec gnome-session
# KDE:
# exec startkde
d. ctl+X
e. Y
f. enter
7. Make script executable
a. open the terminal
b. sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/startxgl.sh
8. Create a new log in session:
a. open the terminal
b. sudo nano /usr/share/xsessions/xgl.desktop
c. Cut&Paste:
[Desktop Entry]
d. ctl+x
e. Y
f. enter
9. Set "beryl-manager" and "beryl-xgl" to start automatically
a. System > Preferences > Sessions > Startup Programs Then add these three entries:
(1) xmodmap /usr/share/xmodmap/xmodmap.us
(2) beryl-manager
(3) beryl-xgl
Desktop Cube controlls
CTRL + ALT + Left/Right Arrow Rotates the desktop-cube to a new side.
CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + Left/Right Arrow Moves the focused app to a new side of the cube.
CTRL + ALT + Hold Left Mouse Button Free rotation of desktop-cube with mouse.
ALT + TAB Switch between apps on the current side of the cube.
CTRL + ALT + TAB Switch between ALL apps.
You don't need to create a password for root (what "sudo passwd root" does) unless you will be working from a root terminal (su root). Even if you need a root terminal, "sudo su" is a better way to do it with your existing password. Adding a (probably weak) root password doesn't help your security at all.
Totally agree with Andrew. There is no reason to make a root password. Its contrary to the "Ubuntiness" of Ubuntu. You should modify this step as suggested so that people don't unknowingly change something with huge potential for security risks.
media.blutkind.org seems to be death
I agree with the two above, it was the first thing i noticed...
The rest of the tutorial looks fine, i might try it this weekend on my spare PC...
This tutorial is great. All works. However, there is still a minor problem, my manager window says me it can't found /usr/bin/startxlg.sh but all works. I don't really understand...
I have been told that media.blutkind.org cannot be resolved. Any solutions?
Two things that I've discovered over time:
1. In the .sh script, you can use the -dpi argument (in the Xgl command line) to specify the dots per inch on your monitor, this can help fix the small fonts issue.
2. Instead of using gnome-session or kde-session, we should use:
exec /etc/X11/Xsession
This takes care of the session defaults and other things, giving the correct set of fonts and mouse cursors.
it's so amazing since I was stuck with xgl for so long, after following above instructions with some changes to dapper, and it works on my dell 700m.
However, I still have a problem at that window bar (on the top with 3 buttons minimize/maximize/close) was hidden in all windows and I couldn't figure that out after an hour of trying to different options of beryl.
Please let me know if you experiences with this problem and know how to deal with that.
Thank you very much,
I just tried your tutorial with Edgy with a Dell 700m and it worked perfectly. Great tutorial! Thank you. I will agree with the other posts about the root password. I didn't needed to create one. I did everything via sudo.
Hi, thanks for the tutorial. I'm going to install Ubuntu again on a spare hard drive and try it now, it seems so simple. And in the Ubuntu setup program, don't you specify the root password so why change it?
Hi - this worked a treat on my IBM T40 thinkpad. Thanks for the tut, it was really easy to follow for a linux newbie. GM
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