a. Open terminal
b. sudo passwd root
c. Create password
2. Update system
a. Open terminal
b. sudo apt-get update
c. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
3. Add repositories
a. Open terminal
b. sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
c. Now you will be taken to the repository. Cut and paste these links into the beginning of the repository (note: #=comment out the following text).
deb http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz edgy main-edgy
deb http://media.blutkind.org/xgl/ edgy main-edgy
deb http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz edgy main-edgy
deb http://media.blutkind.org/xgl/ edgy main-edgy
"File Name to write"
4. Download public Keys for repositories
a. Open the terminal
b. sudo wget http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/quinn.key.asc -O - | sudo apt-key add -
c. sudo wget http://media.blutkind.org/xgl/quinn.key.asc -O - | sudo apt-key add -
5. Install
a. sudo apt-get update
b. sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl libgl1-mesa xserver-xorg libglitz-glx1 beryl emerald-themes
6. Add Xgl to login session. To do this, create a script
a. Open the terminal
b. sudo nano /usr/bin/startxgl.sh
c. Now a "terminal like" window will pop up. Cut and paste the following into this window:
Xgl -fullscreen :1 -ac -accel glx:pbuffer -accel xv:pbuffer & sleep 2 && DISPLAY=:1
# Gnome:
exec gnome-session
# KDE:
# exec startkde
d. ctl+X
e. Y
f. enter
7. Make script executable
a. open the terminal
b. sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/startxgl.sh
8. Create a new log in session:
a. open the terminal
b. sudo nano /usr/share/xsessions/xgl.desktop
c. Cut&Paste:
[Desktop Entry]
d. ctl+x
e. Y
f. enter
9. Set "beryl-manager" and "beryl-xgl" to start automatically
a. System > Preferences > Sessions > Startup Programs Then add these three entries:
(1) xmodmap /usr/share/xmodmap/xmodmap.us
(2) beryl-manager
(3) beryl-xgl
Desktop Cube controlls
CTRL + ALT + Left/Right Arrow Rotates the desktop-cube to a new side.
CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + Left/Right Arrow Moves the focused app to a new side of the cube.
CTRL + ALT + Hold Left Mouse Button Free rotation of desktop-cube with mouse.
ALT + TAB Switch between apps on the current side of the cube.
CTRL + ALT + TAB Switch between ALL apps.